Identification |
Registration number |
A0008 |
Name |
Opatje selo - A cemented rectangular plaque with the cut off upper edges |
Synonyms |
RKD registration number |
no data |
Description |
Class |
immovable cultural heritage |
Type |
memorial heritage |
Category |
construction |
Typological labels |
cavern, company memorial, inscription plaque, trench |
Material |
mortar |
Origin |
italian |
Construction year |
1917 |
Ownership |
no data |
Location |
State |
Slovenia |
Municipality |
Miren - Kostanjevica |
Settlement |
Opatje selo |
Sites |
Battlefield Lokvica, Kostanjevica |
y = 390722
x = 80521 |
Elevation |
201 m |
Coordinate estimation method |
Coordinate precision estimation |
3-10 m |
Elevation estimation method |
Measurements |
0.2 x 0.3 |
Map 1:10k |
Map 1:25k |
Map of location |
Notes |
Date of entry |
21.08.2005 03:52:17 |
Entered by |
Simon Kovačič |
Date of last change |
13.11.2007 07:53:48 |
Last changed |
Ivan Jurkovič |
Notes |
A0008 - Opatje selo - A cemented rectangular plaque with the cut off upper edges |
Text description |
A cemented rectangular plaque with the cut off upper edges.
On a plaque is symbolized a machine-gun and an insignia of an unit.
Message transcription |
1320 comp.
50° Regg. Fant.
Message interpretation |
1320 compagnia
50° Reggimento Fanteria
1-8-917 |
Translation of message interpretation |
1320th Machine-Gun Company
50th Infantry Regiment
Location description |
Approximately 100 metres ahead from RTC Lokvica, on the Miren-Opatje Selo road, there is tarmac turning on the left (east) side of the road. After walking for approximately one hundred metres, we noticed on the right well-preserved Italian trenches and chose the one which is leading towards the south where after some seventy-five (75) metres we find the inscription on the inner side of a defence trench. |
Condition |
Interventions |
Links to other entries |
Sources |
Links to museums |
Interesting links |
Notes |
Photo |
Entry nr. have photos (ordered by date of photo). |
Comments and suggestions |
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